Harry and Meghan: The Twist No One Has Considered
Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on Harry and Meghan, and their (in)famous decision to leave the Firm, and strike out on their own. If you are a Democrat, then what Meghan experienced was racism from a staid and stuck-in-the-past British Royal Family. If you are a Republican, then Meghan is an ungrateful woman who wanted the trappings of power, but without the obligations that go with it. Regardless of which side of the aisle you fall on, what everyone agrees on is that it’s all about Meghan, with Harry just being a husband who is desperately supporting his wife from his racist family, or a weakling who is being led down the garden path by his devious and conniving wife. The pair’s interview with Oprah, which was unusually candid by the standards that the Brits are used to, has further polarized the two camps, and reinforced what they already believed about the couple.
But what if both sides are wrong? What if this is not about Meghan at all?
Consider this. When a woman goes into an organized and structured environment such as the Royal Family, her interactions with that family are primarily through the man — at first, her fiancée, and then her husband. So could it be that what Meghan felt, and was perceived to have felt, did not just come from the Royal Family, but was as interpreted by Harry, and then conveyed to Meghan? As the most obvious example, think of that comment about their baby being dark-skinned — even Meghan admits that it was not something that she heard, but something that was said to Harry, and Harry alone. Or think of the Harry who could not get his wife the therapy that she said that she desperately needed, because this was simply “not a done thing” within the family. Really? Harry had no trouble drinking and partying his way around the world, in occasionally distressing circumstances, but it would have been embarrassing if it turned out that Meghan needed therapy?
This may seem strange, even bizarre. Why would Harry want to create friction between his wife and his family? Is it because he hates Meghan? No. This may not be about Meghan at all, but about Harry, and his relationship with his family.
There can be very little doubt, if you parse the words that Harry has spoken about his family, that he resented, absolutely resented, the way his mother was treated, to whom he was very close. Is it not conceivable, therefore, that in some way, he blames his father, and the family in general, for his mother’s death, and this is his way of getting back at them, however subconsciously? If this is true, then it could be Harry who is the manipulator here, not Meghan. She may just be his instrument of rebellion.